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Stannah Stairlifts 

Stannah Stairlifts are manufactured in the U.K. They sell direct in the New England area, parts of California (Acme Elevator) and right outside of Toronto Canada. They use an extensive dealer network in the USA as well. Know for high quality stairlifts

Stannah Stairlifts 600 for straight staircases come in a wide range of seat colors and seat choices such as the Sienna, Starla, and Sadler. They are well made and have very good reviews

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Stannah Stairlifts Scout for straight staircases is a lower cost stairlift that has the basic features but still the same quality and values of Stannah Lifts

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Stannah curved stairlifts 260 are also available in different seat colors and choices. Custom Stairlift id madefor your staircase and they guarantee a perfect fit

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Stannah Stairlifts Sadler has been specially designed for people with limited flexibility in their hips, knees and back. It is a new concept in design and also referred to as a perch seat, however this design will also make it easier and more comfortable to use

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Stannah Outdoor Stairlift is a robust and durable outdoor stairlift that has been build and designed to withstand the elements

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